the hardest thing to see…

Posted in notice, ponder, secret suffering1 Comment

“The hardest thing to see , is what’s in front of your eyes.”

(detail from original oil painting by Catherine Massaro)

one response

  1. Catherine Massaro says:

    This is my website featuring my most current body of work, blog musings on the creative life and soon to come, interview style video clips of all 21 canvas collage pieces of art. I’m glad you like my writing, though I hesitate to call myself skilled at writing, I do enjoy the many levels of communication and feel at some point it is important for artists to be able to discuss their work as well as write about it with some awareness. I hope to expand this venture into speaking some day soon.
    Thank you for your input and flattering comments, they are greatly appreciated!
    By the way, my web site designers and partners in creative crime for this site are the talented folks at The Shurn Group, out of New Jersey.