Taurus Time

TAURUS (April 20- May 20)
Take a deep breath and a sigh of relief. The sun and ruler Venus have left your solar 12th house of gestation and moved into the first house of rebirth. As planets align, put your best foot forward. As you initiate a fresh , personal solar year, remember you are also in the first phase of a 12-year recurring year Jupiter cycle of expansion and growth. Explore and discover .
This is my horoscope for the month of May. I just celebrated my 59th year of rambling around our planet. So far so good. And I’m excited about this horoscope as it highlights two subjects I am very fond of – exploring and discovering. The rebirth part is particularly exciting for me and it looks like I’ve got a running start on what appears to be a 12 year cycle of expansion and growth.
If I think about all the things I want to do in whatever time is left, it’s sad to realize I’ll never get to it all. I have wished for alot of things in my life, and learned from the old adage – be careful what you wish for, you might get it.
I laugh when I hear young people talking about their ‘bucket lists’. You can’t have a bucket list if you are young. Young people should have ‘wish lists’. Bucket lists are for people at least half way through life. That means 50 plus, after you have had a chance to make mistakes, have some real life adventures, discover some truths through experience and seen how time passes. My sister sent me a collapsible canvas bucket that has it’s own carrying case for my birthday. I’ve decided to prop it up in the corner of my room and toss articles on exotic travel, pictures of ridiculous things that would be fun to have that I will never bother buying, and any other random fantasy idea that comes along. Maybe I’ll get to it, maybe I won’t. An official bucket list container. The real deal. I think this is a great idea for a birthday gift . Again, only for the 50 and older set.
The rest of you … get a wish bone!