tomorrow robins will sing…

What do you turn to when you feel blue? Food? Booze? Friends? Music?
Everybody has a favorite go to fix for those sad times. I used to enjoy getting deep into that blue state when I was younger. Have a breakup with the boyfriend? I’d get out the saddest songs I could find and see just HOW BAD I could feel. Have good cry, wallow away in the misery of it all. Why did I do that? I look back at it and think how crazy it was. Maybe it was the angst of youth. All I know is for some reason it actually felt good to feel so bad. I believe now it was nothing but a self indulgent pity party.
Older and wiser now, I use music to uplift and soothe me.
So here’s a song recommendation to remind you that music is better as a healer than something to hold you in a place of pain and self pity.
Tomorrow Robins Will Sing – by Stevie Wonder
(featured image detail of BIRD ON THE WIRE – canvas collage by Catherine Massaro)