higher ground

I have always loved organizational principles. It’s one of the things I love about the process of creating a piece of art – organizing both my ideas and the technical constructs of how I am going to communicate my idea through the work. One of my canvas collages from the TO END IS TO BEGIN series is entitled, PEARLS of WISDOM. The piece is about the many, many ways there are of embracing higher principals. Or as Stevie Wonder said in his beautiful song…Higher Ground.
They say, with practice, adherence to higher principals instead of personal prejudices can become second nature. For instance, you could practice a different value each day of the week. This great weekly approach is from Dr. Amit Sood chair of the Mayo Mind Body Initiative
Monday : GRATITUDE – find 5 things to be grateful for.
Tuesday : COMPASSION – intend to decrease pain & suffering throughout your day, recognizing that everyone experiences pain, loss and suffering.
Wednesday : ACCEPTANCE – live your day by accepting yourself as you are and others as they are.
Thursday : MEANING & PURPOSE – with some humility and perspective, focus on the ultimate meaning and purpose of your life.
Friday : FORGIVENESS – start by forgiving yourself for past mistakes and then move on to others.
Saturday : CELEBRATION – celebrate your life and the lives of those around you, savor the joy that brings.
Sunday : REFLECTION – This may be through prayer, meditation or simply awareness.
And there you have a weeks worth of mindful living in the moment.
Mindfulness is a way of life … and life can be full of meaning , purpose and joy. And that is what PEARLS OF WISDOM is to me.