into the West

Snagged this treasure at The Scary Baby hotel, at Fredericksburg Trade Days, Fredericksburg, TX. (photo by Catherine Massaro)
In the land of enchantment…ahhhhhhh. (photo by Catherine Massaro)
Usually around June, like a migrating bird, I start leaning towards Taos, New Mexico. I must have been around 27 years old when I first learned of Taos. At the time I was hosting a weekly life drawing group out of my home/studio in Kansas City. Gosh it was a great group of women, one…More
and I’m off… New Mexico bound, land of enchantment (photo by Catherine Massaro)
It’s all so temporary. All of it. Lest you forget… Your body’s ambition is mulch. (photograph by Catherine Massaro)
” Nature is PAINTING for us, day after day, pictures of infinite BEAUTY.” John Ruskin
Antique malls are my most satisfying shopping venues. I can’t remember the last time I went to ‘the mall’. Oh, yea, for a gift card from Penny’s for my mom. One of the things I hear often as I check out is, “My, you have quite a variety of items here!” And it’s true, my…More
The hardest thing to see is what is right in front of your eyes. (featured photograph by Catherine Massaro)
You all know how the old adage goes – Fences make good neighbors. I just smiled big when I saw this fence on a road trip. Can’t we all just get along? (Photograph by Catherine Massaro)
Damn it’s hot! Go bite some water. (photo by Catherine Massaro)
” You do not pass through this life, it passes through you.” (photo by Catherine Massaro)
There are hundreds of things that happen at the end of my pencil. But perhaps the most important thing that happens at the end of my pencil is being present. Completely and in the moment present. I love photography, but it’s such a fast moment that happens between you and the shutter and the image…More
For over a decade now I’ve lived in somewhat rural places, usually with a fair amount of acreage around the property. The good and bad to living like this is nature tends to creep on you. The upside ; lots of wildlife, vistas, stars at night, well water, distance between you and any neighbors. The…More
In the words of Kinky Friedman … “May the God of your choice bless you.” Today and every day. (image detail from canvas collage, FORSAKEN, by Catherine Massaro)