Archive for the ‘time’ Category

flea market Friday

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If you grew up NOT wearing a helmet when you rode your bicycle, or even a seat belt,  these will not be anywhere near as scary as they look.

Somehow we all lived.

Above Average Dog

Posted in 7 deadlies, dogs, time2 Comments

I stopped doing dog commissions about 7 years ago. I had become ‘the dog artist’, and it felt like a dead end.

Dogs had been my subject matter for so long, and my best dog ever, Stella , my muse  – had died. I did not know how deeply her absence would affect me until I realized I could not do one more dog painting. So I moved on to work that came from completely different places in my heart.

But recently, I was contacted by one of those many, many, lovely people who had commissioned me in the past for a portrait, to do a companion piece of his new dog, to hang beside the old (sadly, deceased ) dog.  Before I could stop , I heard myself saying YES.  Then I panicked, thinking – I don’t know if I can even go back there. Why , oh why did I agree to this? But having committed to it,  I just started to paint my way out of it. The painting came together so quickly, it even surprised me. But I was working from a less than helpful photograph and found over the course of a few days that I needed to consult with the client for advise and help. Five or ten years ago, sending instant messages with a photo on an iPhone was not even an option. But as we emailed back and forth,  I would draw a correction, change the back round color, send it in a snap and make changes immediately.  We were working TOGETHER on the painting! Something I never would have done in the past – not because technology was not there yet, but because I was more territorial about my art years ago. It was MY painting. MY interpretation. MY vision.  My ego. I was shocked that this collaboration did not bother me in the least. In fact, I was very much enjoying pleasing my client and finding our way together to the happy end of the portrait.

Which leads me back to my muse, Stella.  My above average dog. These wonderful creatures we love so much and hold so close to our hearts, have a way of drawing us together and  perhaps making us better humans in the end.  They are always ‘above average dogs’ to us.  I learned  we can be ‘above average humans’ to each other as well… with very little effort.

memory keepers

Posted in friends, journey, memory, ponder, secret suffering, timeComments Off on memory keepers

When you’re in your 50’s, your measuring stick for happiness finds a different mark than the one you had in your 20’s, 30’s or 40’s.  Happiness seems to come from old friends and new starts. I have recently reconnected with some  dear old friends, maintained great relationships with one’s I’ve had for years, and even lost my oldest childhood friend – and not from an untimely death. But it was a fine friendship for over 40 years and what I have to take away from it is how we were each other’s best memory keeper. It was a traumatic break for me, but I found solace in a recent editorial by Jo Packham , in her marvelous publication, Where Women Create.

“It is written that if you can name one person who is a true and trusted friend, who has endured , and is victorious through the tests of time, then you are blessed indeed… Often friendships just cannot last forever; along life’s journey, a bend in the road can separate the two of you before you realize that one of you has been left behind”.

Anyway, my life is not lacking for friendships – thank God.  I will continue to build memories with those dear enough to share good times and bad with me,  accepting  both who I am, as well as who I may become. After all, if we do not change, we are not growing. And if we are not growing, we are not really living.

I am happy to be a memory keeper along for the journey, but will keep a wary eye out for  those bends in the road.


(featured image – photograph by Catherine Massaro)

Taurus Time

Posted in beginnings, explore, ponder, time, travelComments Off on Taurus Time

TAURUS (April 20- May 20)

Take a deep breath and a sigh of relief. The sun and ruler Venus have left your solar 12th house of gestation and moved into the first house of rebirth. As planets align, put your best foot forward. As you initiate a fresh , personal solar year, remember you are also in the first phase of a 12-year recurring year Jupiter cycle of expansion and growth. Explore and discover .


This is my horoscope for the month of May. I just celebrated my  59th year  of rambling around our planet. So far so good. And I’m excited about this horoscope as it highlights two subjects I am very fond of – exploring and discovering. The rebirth part is particularly exciting for me and it looks like I’ve got a running start on what appears to be a 12 year cycle of expansion and growth.

If I think about all the things I want to do in whatever time is left, it’s sad to realize I’ll never get to it all. I have wished for alot of things in my life, and learned from the old adage – be careful what you wish for, you might get it.

I laugh when I hear young people talking about their ‘bucket lists’. You can’t have a bucket list if you are young. Young people  should have ‘wish lists’. Bucket lists are for people at least half way through life. That means 50 plus, after you have had a chance to make mistakes, have some real life adventures, discover some truths through experience and seen how time passes. My sister sent me a collapsible canvas bucket that has it’s own carrying case for my birthday. I’ve decided to prop it up in the corner of my room and toss articles on exotic travel, pictures of ridiculous things that would be fun to have that I will never bother buying, and any other random fantasy idea that comes along.  Maybe I’ll get to it, maybe I won’t. An official bucket list container. The real deal. I think this is a great idea for a birthday gift . Again, only for the 50 and older set.

The rest of you … get a wish bone!