knowing when to stop…

It‘s hard to know when to stop.
There is a movement afoot to lighten our loads. I think we are beginning to be overwhelmed by the burden of our possessions. It’s natural for this to happen when you get older , as with my generation, but I think the young are seeing it too. It’s evidenced in the ‘tiny house’ movement, the move to apartment living instead of home ownership, and the ever growing recycling movement. Recycle, reuse, repurpose.
It’s hard to know when to stop.
Supersze. Big Gulps. Big Macs. Double stuff. Double toppings. Tall, Grande, Venti, Trenta!
It’s hard to know when to stop.
I make art. Lots of us do. It stacks up. Some of it sells, some of it doesn’t. When it doesn’t, it stacks up. How do you stop doing something you are compelled to do? Do you put yourself on an art diet, like you would with food. Simply stop creating certain things that add to your stockpile? Do you limit yourself , like with a tiny house, to making only small works? It’s a quandary for the creative soul.
It’s hard to know when to stop.
If ancient sailors had not set sails, the world would still be flat.
If Van Gogh had stopped painting, there would be no Starry Night.
If the wheel had not been invented there would be no modern transportation.
If Bob Dylan had stayed acoustic there would be no Subterranian Homesick Blues.
It’s hard to know when to stop.
There’s no easy answer for those driven to create. I don’t have one yet for myself anyway. Like a junkie, I often wish I could just stop. Lay it down and watch life go by. I even tried it once. It only lasted for a few years, and then it came back in spades, like the floodgates of creative hell. I have learned to pace myself a bit more, but that is mostly a function of maturity and experience.
It’s hard to know when to stop.
I await a sign. If I went blind, would I sculpt from memory? If I lost my dexterity to arthritis would I fight through the pain and carry on?
If I lost my joy of life, would the creative spark die with it? I have no answers … I guess I will find out in time, because for’s hard to know when to stop.