picking favorites…

An old friend asked me this morning,
“Of all the places you have ever lived, regardless of who you were living with or what was going on in your life, which is your favorite?”
I have lived in many places. Some for years at a stretch, some for shorter periods and have to say there are things I liked and disliked about all of them. I have discovered in all my ramblings that there is no perfect place, but there is what I call, your ‘happy’ place. And there may even be more than one.
I loved Kansas City, where I went to art school and made some of my longest lasting frienships. It was a city filled with art and culture and a place I grew into adulthood.
I loved Vermont. There is no where on earth more beautiful than fall in the Green Mountain state.
I loved Utah, and it’s rugged beauty.
I loved Colorado and it’s magnificent mountains and scenery.
I loved New Mexico, and always will. I rejoice when I am there, and cry every time I leave.
I loved New York – NYC – there is no city in the world more exciting.
And I love Texas … as they say …. I wasn’t born here, but I got here as fast as I could
But if a place has winter, I can’t last very long.
Winters with ice and snow that last for 6 months. It’s my lifelong burden … my abhorrence of winter. It started the first time I ever went to Florida during the wintertime in Buffalo , N.Y. I knew there was only one way out of winter, and that was to physically move away from it.
For years I lived where either school, jobs, or fate blew me. Most of those places, by life’s cruel hand were serious winter havens. Places like Colorado Springs, Colorado. Burlington, Vermont. Providence, Utah. Taos, New Mexico. Buffalo, New York. Hamden, Connecticut. Many of these places you will recognize as a skier’s dream. Not for me. I’d rather chew on aluminum foil than go skiing. So it was a shame to waste those long winters in those otherwise lovely places.
Winter and fleeing winter has been my lifelong challenge. I like to think that my discovery of Texas was meant to be, because it came along at a time in my life when I least expected to move, or to find a partner in life again … and suddenly along came both.
Where you start out in life, may not be where you end up, so it’s wise to stay open to other places and what they have to offer and teach you. I have learned and loved things about all the places I’ve lived. We are driven to find that ‘HAPPY PLACE”.
That place that says to your heart, “I was meant to be here.”
(featured image, canvas collage – HILL COUNTRY HOMAGE, by Catherine Massaro)