right from wrong…

if it’s not fun, then you’re doing it wrong
(photo by Catherine Massaro)

if it’s not fun, then you’re doing it wrong
(photo by Catherine Massaro)
Consider your heart a cocoon from which dreams emerge.
(detail of canvas collage, COCOON, by Catherine Massaro)
It’s Sunday … a day of rest. Do yourself a favor and really embrace that concept whether it’s from a religious point of view or not. The world has gotten so complex, so overwhelming, with instant knowledge of everything around us from all parts of the earth and even beyond that realm. It’s simply too much for us to comprehend.
What we can practically change or impact is so very limited and small compared to what we hope to accomplish, it’s exhausting to our minds and spirit. So don’t try and catch up on the world because it’s a day off, instead sit still and let it go by. Revel in the slow and stillness and take a day off from the complexities of life.
Trying to catch up on the world can’t be done and trying to will get you nowhere; like this poor guy in the featured photograph.
Relax everyone.
(featured photograph by Catherine Massaro)
There is a wonderful neighborhood at the edge of downtown Reno on Wells Street, that has a huge Hispanic centric street fair each year. My favorite part of the event is the magnificent march of the caballeros in their full equestrian Spanish regalia. Their outfits are only rivaled by the horses’ saddles and bridles. They are precision riders on equally precision trained horseflesh. I admire the history behind this group and the discipline it takes to keep their story alive. Our personal stories may not be so glorious, but they can be enriched by having the courage to adventure into the unknown or unfamiliar now and then. Have an adventure – sit loosely in that saddle of life and take a ride down an unfamiliar trail. Let me know where you end up.
” Sit loosely in the saddle of life.”
(photo by Catherine Massaro)
“The hardest thing to see , is what’s in front of your eyes.”
(detail from original oil painting by Catherine Massaro)
You can change your entire outlook on life today. You can change your point of view on every move you make by considering this.
It’s not HAPPINESS you should count on in life.
I can count on the weather changing – and look forward to the seasons.
I can count on getting older – as I watch my grandaughter grow and thrive.
I can count on life being a puzzling challenge – and proudly finding the pieces that create the picture of my life.
And for now…right now, I can count on the sun rising daily and setting each night. And with everything I do in between those hours I can count on change to guide me through each second, minute, and hour of my life.
(photo by Catherine Massaro – sunrise over the Grand Canyon)
For over a decade now I’ve lived in somewhat rural places, usually with a fair amount of acreage around the property. The good and bad to living like this is nature tends to creep on you. The upside ; lots of wildlife, vistas, stars at night, well water, distance between you and any neighbors. The down side – nature creeps on you.
I spent the last week pulling up sage, lots of sage, weeds of all high desert growth, grasses, and cutting back desert hardy plants like Arctic willow and , oh yea, did I mention sage? I love and hate sage. I love the smell of it as it always reminds me of New Mexico. But it will, and can, grow fast and everywhere you don’t want it to in the high desert. I would rather spend hours beating back nature from my doorstep than an equal amount of time in a clean gym pounding down on a treadmill. The satisfaction I get from yard-scaping is immeasurable . It’s a different sort of canvas for me. Rocks and dirt, sage and gravel, pine trees and boulders.
This creep of nature is humbling. It’s a no win proposition, year after year. But I love it. I love to be reminded over and over again, that NATURE GETS THE LAST WORD.
( photo by Catherine Massaro)