consider your heart…

Consider your heart a cocoon from which dreams emerge.
(detail of canvas collage, COCOON, by Catherine Massaro)

Consider your heart a cocoon from which dreams emerge.
(detail of canvas collage, COCOON, by Catherine Massaro)
It’s Sunday … a day of rest. Do yourself a favor and really embrace that concept whether it’s from a religious point of view or not. The world has gotten so complex, so overwhelming, with instant knowledge of everything around us from all parts of the earth and even beyond that realm. It’s simply too much for us to comprehend.
What we can practically change or impact is so very limited and small compared to what we hope to accomplish, it’s exhausting to our minds and spirit. So don’t try and catch up on the world because it’s a day off, instead sit still and let it go by. Revel in the slow and stillness and take a day off from the complexities of life.
Trying to catch up on the world can’t be done and trying to will get you nowhere; like this poor guy in the featured photograph.
Relax everyone.
(featured photograph by Catherine Massaro)
I got stalled out big time over the last few weeks.
“Hey…it happens”, says my friend Jay. I rather enjoyed being given permission to have down time and stare down that big rock in my path for a while. By the end of the second week , we had become friends and here I sit, happy to be back in the saddle.
That big rock represents the ‘time out’ we should allow ourselves to muse, ponder, assimilate, reflect and slow down. We are all compelled to push forward, make stuff happen, engage! Sometimes the bigger the rock, the better the reflective time.
I feel relaxed and centered again, rather pleased that I did not get caught up in negative thoughts about what a slacker I was, or that I had lost my creative mojo.
After all, creativity is not on a time clock – nor should it be.
( photograph by Catherine Massaro)
Take a moment to appreciate the awesome wonder and beauty of it all.
(featured image – photograph by Catherine Massaro)